Friday 30 April 2010

Blog 3 - Torch


The torch's story comes from 3 teenagers that thought it would be a good idea to raid an old abandond house for fun. It was late and the house was pitch black, but they had the torch to guide them so it seemed fine. Though as they opened one of the doors, a rat came running out and the teenager holding the torch dropped it, cracking the glass and scratching the bottom slightly. Through the rest of the night, the torch was dropped a couple more times, scrathing the torch all around, aswell as mucking it up with the dust that had been gatherd.


This is an exmaple of how i want the main part of my texture to look like, with some added effects such as dust and scratches to give more realism to it.

This is an example of the grip that will be used on my torch and though it isnt much different from the normal texture, i will make it slightly different to make it obvious enough that this part of the model is supposed to be different.
Noteable Parts

Scratches all round the torch.

A large crack on the glass from being dropped too high.

Dust has been picked up from when it was dropped and can be seen well as the torch is primerily pure black.

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