Friday, 23 April 2010

Blog 1 - Making A Story For Objects

Last week we started to briefly talk about creating a story for our objects that we will be texturing, and this week we have been given the task of bloggin on what we have come up with so far.
I chose my 3 objects as a space ship, a grenade and an ammunition crate. Each having a completely different story, explaining damage, apperance and use.

Space Ship
The story behind my ship is that it has been mass produced by Sarians to fight against their enemies, the Marps. Sarians are fighting for the planet earth's safety as the Marps are trying to take over us.
This space ship isn't particularly special in any way other than it has lasted much longer in battle than most of the space ships than came along with it, which explains most of the large dints, scratches, paint wearing and damage over all. The ship is mostly painted gray with lines of orange as these are the two colours of the sarians flag and suits. Also each wing shows the model number of the ship though these seem to have waired slightly over time.

Noteable parts

Battle scars/scratches, Dints,
Silver with Orange stripes, warred out paint
Huge turbines – darker as it gets to the centre,
Symbol showing what side it’s for (if it’s in a war)
Mostly old dirty glass and one newer glass panel which has been replaced because it was broken in a fight.

This picture shows a good idea of how i want my ship to look other than the paint obviously. Much sleeker and smoother than the picture above which is much bulkier.

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